Building or home wall cracks usually appear several years after it’s built. However, occurrences like earthquakes and foundation settlement can also create major cracks in your walls.
Wall cracks can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. To determine how serious a wall crack might be, it’s best to examine the shape of the crack and the direction it runs on the wall.
Horizontal wall cracks that run at a jagged 45-degree angle may have been caused by foundation shifting or water damage. This is usually a more serious problem.
Vertical wall cracks are less serious compared to horizontal cracks as they are usually caused by shrinkage or temperature change. Vertical cracks run the same direction as the wall. Wide cracks or those that start near the point where wall and ceiling meet, are most often caused from damage as the foundation settles.
Diagonal cracks, or reentrant cracks, are a form of shrinkage crack. They stem from the corners or windows, openings, or other changes in the shape of a wall. Temperature and shrinkage cracks in foundations may appear within days to several years after the home is occupied.
Surface-blemish cracks can be simply repaired using drywall putty, sanding tools and a wall paint. More severe cracks usually should be examined first by professionals to determine the exact cause and might include some reconstruction to prevent further damage.